Here's coursework I've taken at University of Michigan as a graduate student, separated by topic.
Transportation Analysis and Planning
- Traffic Science
- Travel Behavior Analysis and Forecasting
Optimization and Operations Research
- Linear Programming
- Continuous Optimization Methods
- Game Theory*
Machine Learning and Data Science
- Data Mining in Transportation
- Time Series Analysis
*in progress
Here's coursework I've taken at Georgia Tech as an undergraduate student, separated by topic.
Computational Modeling and Simulation
- Computational Modeling Algorithms
- Computational Problem Solving
- Computer Simulation
- Introduction to High Performance Computing
- Numerical Analysis
Machine Learning and Data Science/Management
- Decision and Data Analytics
- Introduction to Database Systems
- Machine Learning
- Online Learning and Decision Making
- Regression and Forecasting
- Differential Equations
- Discrete Mathematics
- Multivariable Calculus
Optimization and Operations Research
- Constraint Programming
- Engineering Optimization
- Simulation Analysis and Design
- Stochastic Manufacturing and Service Systems